What price do I pay for carpooling? |
For the ride, a remuneration is paid to the driver. The amount is determined by the driver and the passenger, in consensus. It is best to agree on this amount before the ride. Mpact advises to pay a remuneration of € 0.10 per kilometer. If the driver does have to make a detour to pick up passengers, a remuneration of € 0.30 per kilometer is advised, for the distance of the detour. You have the option to adjust the recommended fee, but it is very important to keep in mind that the driver can’t make a profit on the ride. This means that the total amount paid to the driver (by all the passengers) can’t be over € 0.43 per kilometer. Click here for more information.
How does payment work? |
The passenger pays a carpool fee to the driver. It’s best to make this payment immediately before or after the ride (cash, app ...).
Do I need a Driving Proficiency Certificate if I carpool with a company car? |
If you take colleagues with you to work in the company car, you do not need a Driving Proficiency Certificate. On 15 November 2008 there has been a modification of the traffic law, which ruled out any ambiguities.
Am I still insured if I need to make a detour for carpooling? |
Detours to pick up or drop off a carpool partner, are considered a part of the commuting trip. The work-related insurances cover any accidents that might occur during the detour made for carpooling. For more information, check the tab insurances.
I can't find anyone to share my ride with |
Don’t worry, our database is filled with new requests every day. Register your ride to be kept informed about future potential matches. To have a better chance of finding a carpool partner, you can also search for matches outside your own company or through carpool parking.
Do I get a bonus from my employer for carpooling? |
The employer pays the same commuting fee, whether you carpool or drive alone. There is no special bonus for carpoolers. Under certain conditions you could enjoy the fiscal benefits as explained in the tab taxes.
Who do I turn to with issues on the carpool parking? |
Depending on the issue, you could contact the police or the responsible entity for the parking. In Flanders, most carpool parkings are managed by the Flemish Region. You find more information on the Dutch website of the Agency for Roads and Traffic.
Students from universities can easily use the Carpool platform. Mpact developed its own portal for universities: Carpool for campuses.
How do I log into the specific portal for my company? |
Ask your mobility coordinator the specific link, open it in your webbrowser and click on "new user" to register to the portal. Do you want to register via the app? Ask your mobility coordinator for your company's unique code. You already have a profile on carpool.be before your company created its specific link? Then follow these simple steps to link your profile to this portal: go to the specific company url and log in as usual. Next, go to "my profile", select your work place and click on "save". After saving, your personal profile will be automatically connected to your specific company portal.
We rely on the good sense of carpoolers. If you're sick, stay home. A few simple measures will help us carpool safely. For example, make sure you cough and sneeze into your elbow, wash your hands before and after every ride, ventilate the car from time to time, etc.
Other |
You can’t find an answer to your question on our website? Then please, contact us! Mpact |
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